Emergency Dentist Brisbane | Bracken Ridge Dental

Emergency Dentist

What is a dental emergency?

Not all dental problems are emergencies. If you are able to manage your symptoms at home, and there is not a major risk of infection or further damage, we will schedule an appointment at our dental clinic at the next convenient time.

However, some situations are considered emergencies if delaying treatment could make a problem worse or put your health at risk. If you think you need to see a dentist urgently, contact us so we can tell you if a dentist is available and prepare for your visit.

Common dental emergencies

These are some of the most common dental emergencies we treat and ways you can take care of your symptoms before your visit.

Sudden tooth pain

Tooth pain or sensitivity can have many possible causes, including tooth decay, injuries and infections. If a toothache comes on suddenly or is severe, see our dentists so we can examine your mouth and discuss treatments.

In the meantime, you can try to relieve pain by taking over-the-counter medication, placing an ice pack or cold compress against your cheek or rinsing your mouth with salt water.

Chipped or cracked tooth

Teeth may be damaged if you bite down on something hard or are hit in the face. A damaged tooth is a dental emergency, as the interior of the tooth may be exposed to bacteria and could become infected.

Rinse your mouth carefully to remove any debris, taking care not to swallow, and avoid eating with the tooth before you can see our dentists. A chipped or cracked tooth may be treated with bonding or placing a crown.

Knocked out tooth

If a tooth comes loose or gets knocked out, don't panic. Make an emergency dental appointment and bring the tooth along if it's intact, as there's a chance our dentists may be able to reattach it if we can see you in time.

If a tooth can't be reattached, we can discuss replacing it with a dental implant, bridge or denture to restore your smile.

Other dental emergencies include:

  • Injuries to the cheeks, gums or lips
  • Damaged or knocked out filling, crown or veneer
  • Loose or broken braces or dentures
  • Facial swelling (dental abscess)
  • Injured or dislocated jaw